nub n. [var. of knub, for knob] a) a knob or lump b) a small piece
Welcome. My name is Kimberly. This image gallery is dedicated to my pet parakeets. I affectionately call my birds "nubs", because they are small, feathery lumps. All my "nubs" have brought much happiness into my life. Each one has a different personality, but they're ALL adorable. I will frequently interchange the words: "parakeet", "budgie" and "nub" on this site. Please enjoy your stay here, and thanks for visiting!
Parakeet Figures
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This amazing little toy is very accurate and detailed.
Click on images for a larger view!
A found a friend for my lil' green budgie.
Click on images for a larger view!
Mushroom Parakeet Figure.
Ceramic Parakeet Figurines.
More Ceramic Parakeet Figurines.
Resin Parakeet Figurine.
Resin Parakeet Toothpick Holder.
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Copyright 2001~2006 David Ramsay and Kimberly J. Ramsay. All rights reserved.
"The Japanese Animation Super Premier Entertainment Review" ,
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"theJASPER Cosplay Closet" logo and
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are ® Registered Trademarks of David Ramsay, 1999~2001.
David "Z-RAM" Ramsay and Kimberly "Hikaru-chan" J. Ramsay acknowledge the
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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
First uploaded February 3, 2001 by: David Ramsay